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How To Stop Hair Colour From Fading - Top 3 Tips To Stop Colour Washing Out

How To Stop Hair Colour From Fading - Top 3 Tips To Stop Colour Washing Out

You’ve finally got the hair colour you’ve always wanted. It’s looking fresh, the tone is just perfect and you’re so happy.
There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling like it all fades away the next time you wash it!
Here are my top tips to stop your colour from fading:

How To Stop Hair Colour From Fading - Top 3 Tips

Tip 1. Wait To Shampoo

Ready for a little chemistry lesson? When you colour your hair, the outer layer needs to be opened up before the colour can be deposited into the hair. It takes about three days for this outer layer to smooth back down.

So tip number one - wait to shampoo! If you try not to wash your hair for at least three days after colouring, the colour (or toner) has more of a chance of being sealed into your hair.

Tip 2. Temperature

This tip is one I personally struggle with - temperature.
Hot temperatures are the enemy of hair colour. Unfortunately, hot water opens up the outer layer of the hair and exposes the colour you’ve put there. Warm water is best, as this won’t keep the outer layer of the hair open as long.
The same is true for styling tools - and the sun.

Tip 3. Hair Care

If your hair is feeling dehydrated and rough, you’ll have a really hard time keeping your colour looking fresh. This is because hair dryness and damage reduce your hair's ability to hold on to colour.
Look to use a hair mask that’ll specifically target the issues you’re seeing - and use it frequently. Once or twice a week is ideal!

Not only is this mask a pleasure to use - it smells like sweet caramel - it will leave your hair soft, silky and restuctures hair from the inside.
The large tub lasts for months. It's a true favourite.


Would you like to learn how to pick the right toner for you - every time?
I've created a master guide that will teach you everything you need to know about at home hair toning and colouring! And it's completely free.
You can find it here or by clicking the banner below
At Home Hair Toning and Colouring Master Guide
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